3G-Camper & Tribe Leader Registration Station

Hey there, Adventurer! Whether you’re spearheading your group’s journey as a Tribe Leader or soaking in the wilderness vibes as a valued 3G-Camper/Guest, we’re stoked to have you join us.

Getting started is as easy as pine cones falling off a tree:

  1. Set up your 3G-Camper Account – Your all-access pass to everything our retreat has to offer! Dive into the registration and join the 3G-Camping Retreat Tribe!
  2. For Tribe Leaders, an exciting opportunity awaits just after you submit. You’ll be presented with the option to activate your Tribe Leader Account immediately. This upgrade is your gateway to accessing special features and tools essential for group adventures.

That’s it! Two simple steps to join our lively community. We can’t wait to have you and your tribe create lasting memories with us under the starlit sky.

Happy Camping and Exploring,
The 3G-Camping Retreat Crew

  • 3G-Camper Account Info:

    By checking this box, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to follow the Campground Policy, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy of the 3G-Camping Retreat. I understand that my conduct and adherence to these policies are essential for the safety and enjoyment of all campers and guests within the retreat. I acknowledge that failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the suspension or termination of my camping privileges.