Campfire Commander Connoisseur
4 Steps
- Visit Campfire Saftey 1 time
- Pass campfire-safety-quiz quiz 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- Pass campfire-safety-quiz quiz 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- Pass campfire-safety-quiz quiz 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
Trailblazer Trail Challenge
The Trailblazer Trail challenge requires hiking the "3G-Loop" 18 times while stopping at the Trailblazers Trail 3D-printed sign to log progress each time. A Champion Picture must be submitted after completing 18 loops. Additional Tasks or Camper Challenges can also be completed for fun. The challenge rewards Tokens for completing it.
6 Steps
- Started Trailblazer Trail Acheivement!
- Succesfully Record 18 3G-Loop Records | 5 of 18 Completed
- Succesfully Record 18 3G-Loop Records | 10 of 18 Completed
- Succesfully Record 18 3G-Loop Records | 15 of 18 Completed
- Succesfully Record 18 3G-Loop Records | 18 of 18 Completed
- Submit Victory Photo(s) with Trailblazer Trail Challenge sign in View.